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How The Studio Can Save Sony’s Spider-Man

Writer's picture: Lorraine C.Lorraine C.

Ok it’s not a joke or anything new here, that i adore The Amazing Spider-Man films and it’s characters. It was and I believe still is one of the underappreciated Spiderman films. It had a good thing going for it and they threw it out the window deciding to try something else.

Something new.

Leaving The Amazing Spider-Man in the dust, leaving Andrew Garfield in the dust…and giving the rights to Spider-Man over the MCU instead. 

Don’t get me wrong, Tom Holland is a great Spidey in his own righteous path and still has more stories to tell. And it seems like Tom Holland is gonna be Peter Parker for a long time. It wasn’t until No Way Home people started really noticing Andrew Garfield style and potential as Spider-Man since he has layers and untouchable, untold stories to tell!

In my opinion he always was and will always be my Spider-Man for that very reason! We left the characters in an odd spot in his movies and a bittersweet uplifting message, then in No Way Home he reconciled with some of his grief and trauma. Leaving him a lighter place…

Currently Sony’s universe is left Spiderman-less! When we see and know that he exists within that area of expertise. Mark Webb and Andrew’s Peter Parker seems to be perfect in his own way and is now currently a fan favorite, not just that, he’s the Spidey with the most amazing potential. Fitting a different tone and style that Sony is seemingly trying to do away from the MCU.

Besides, Andrew Garfield simply adores the character he plays and is one of the diverse actors of our generation! 

Like I said beforehand, his Peter Parker does have a lot of unresolved issues and a lot of peace of mind with certain things. He's older and still working on himself, on his skill set. He is still learning how to grow up and figure out things along the way.

Figuring out how to love again, dealing with the loss and how to stand, knowing he will run again to face the future waiting to be explored. It’s perfect. 

We only got glimpses into his world as the web slinging wall crawler, with only a few villains and many more that could be explored. You don’t have to drop Andrew Garfield’s Spiderman into every movie by all means, only when you believe it seems fit to his character and the storyline to add him in.

Sony’s Peter Parker has the flexibility to do so with that character. Possibly even give us an Amazing Spider-Man 3 while you’re adding it to your lineup, close that chapter while also leaving room to open it up again when it feels needed. 

And here’s how…pass the torch onto a new hero. One of the best things about Andrew Garfield’s Peter Parker is how friendly he is to everyone, uplifting spirit, layered with his mind always tinkering and incredibly charismatically sweet he is. So the logical thing to do is make him a mentor, a big brother to an up and coming hero. Miles Morales. Simple as that. Andrew’s Peter Parker proves that he can be that person to help him. 

Cause he has always been that big brother, that friend of some kind who knows and can tell you everything is gonna be okay. Looking out for that little guy and showing this inspiration to brighten up someone’s world.

Make them feel worth something and then encourage them to do better, try their hand at being better. You can showcase that within Sony’s Spider-Man, with Miles Morales looking up to him and wanting to be inspired to be a hero.

  You can always adapt this storyline in dozens of ways that seem fit. It’s an interesting challenge to take on and many fans long for the day where we can see it happen.

I would like to see a filmmaker take on this challenge, simplify it as you must to make it easier to expand on if needed and create this story outside of the MCU, make it your own. Create a new face and a new outlook on the future of heroes. To show the next generation that, With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility…that we can all be a new uplifting hope. Spider-Man. 

Anyways that's my idea on how Sony can save the SpiderMan Universe they created and can still continue. Remember to like, share and come back soon for more! Ciao for now 🕷


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