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Agents Of Marriage (Old Flames Au)

Her eyes fluttered open as she looked across the room. Dark. Locked. Betrayal. Those are the exact words she would use to describe how she feels right about now…

Agent Violet C. Cohen, one of the many agents of shield who have been captured by Nicholas W. Ward. An undercover hydra agent...who she was assigned to take down and receive a device from.

She was quickly taken out of her thoughts by the door opened to reveal Nicholas Ward himself.

“Hello, gorgeous. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” Nicholas said as he sat down on the chair across from her.

“I’m sorry are you talking to me or the dead guy in the corner?...You don’t get to call me that! You betrayed everyone! betrayed me.” Violet replied.

“Correction, I never did anything wrong. I didn’t betray everyone, you just found trust in me.”

“I regret it now….you know, I couldn’t have trusted you if you weren’t such a good actor.”

“It’s my specialty. Oh yeah, did you really think that you could take me down? Did you forget who trained you?”

“How can I forget? My ex-husband is the same man who helped train me when I started this whole process.”

“Kick to the chest, nice one by the way.”

“I learned from the best...not you Agent May.”

“It was worth a shot.”

“You realize that you betrayed your own brother, what would Hunter say when he finds out that you were part of hydra this whole time?”

“Nothing. And he will never know, it stays that way.”

“You sure about that?”

A light beeping sound came into play causing Violet to smirk as Nicholas’s eyes widened in shock. He ripped the bracelet off her wrist and ripped it in half.He inched closer to her, their eyes locked down on one another. Violet glared at him then smirked as she spit in his face, causing him to tumble backwards.

She quickly ripped away from the chair as she removed the scarf around her neck, and used it on him.

“You little-” Nicholas shouted but was cut off.

“Nuh uh, don’t you dare finish that sentence.” Violet replied with a smirk.

Nicholas didn’t hesitate to fight Violet as he lifted her off her feet, not in the romantic way of course. He held her hands behind her back, as she leaned backwards.

“This reminds me of us, way back when we were together and working on missions.” He whispered into her ear.

“Yeah, you were so sweet and...sour.” She replied, growling at him.

“You never complained about it….”

“What can I say? I liked it that way….plus you always used Star Wars references.”

“Of course Princess Leia, I wouldn’t don’t anything to hurt you. It’s not like you have any feelings for Luke, do you?”

“Forget it, flyboy. We both know that you’re just a scruffy looking nerf-herder.”

“Who are you calling scruffy looking?”

Nicholas rested his head near her neck, giving her a look as if he was about to kiss her. Violet took the signal, confused but intrigued. She leaned in, he leaned in closer-then it came to a stop! Leaving it as a full misdirect!

However he quickly spinned her around as if he was about to dip her with a certain grin on his face. She returned the certain grin. As much as they seem to hate each other, deep how they still love each other.

As fast as she could, she broke away from him, running out the door.

He quickly ran after her, grabbing her arm, pinning her to a wall. Once again their eyes locked, breathing heavily as ever.

“What ever happened to us…?” He muttered.

“I don’t know…” She replied.

“How about I give you the little device and I take you out to dinner?”

“I’m sorry honey, but why would i believe you or even take your offer?”

“Because it’s Valentine's Day babe and I know you can’t pass up a date at Ronnie’s Restaurant.”

“...Deal. 8 o’clock sharp. Don’t be late.”

“When am I ever?”

“Hmm, let me think, our mission in Rio where you decide to take a detour and-”

“Well how about the mission in Latin America, where you decided to waste time near the food stands, instead of helping me with the 4 criminals…?”

“You handle pretty much everything, you didn’t need me.”

“Your right, alright don’t let anyone know what happened here today, got it?”

“You have my word. Now hand it over.”

Nicholas released Violet of her hold and handed her the device, as she walked away. As they walked their separate ways, they couldn’t help but glance over their shoulder.

Later that night after handing the device to the boss, Violet left the S.H.I.E.L.D base as she took a detour to the restaurant. As Violet got out of the car, she met Nicholas at the entrance as she looped her arm around him.

“Did anyone notice or do I have to integrate you?” He asked, giving his ex-wife a wink.

“I didn’t tell a single soul.” She replied, simply.

“Good. Happy Valentine’s Day sweetheart.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day handsome.”

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone! What did you think? Did you like it? Remember to like and share! Anyways ciao for now!

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