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A Twist In Gender Roles [Part 2] (GenderSwap AU)

Writer's picture: Lorraine C.Lorraine C.

Next week didn’t come for Ava, she was still a man but it just happened that it was Sam's turn to be gender bent. Apparently the women from the week before came back deciding it was Sam’s turn.

The next morning Sam woke putting his hand on his chest realizing he had boobs. He sat up shaking his girlfriend, Ava, until she woke up.

Ava woke up groaning and said, “What the hell, Sammy?”

“Look at me!” Sam shouted at her.

Ava stood up taking in her boyfriend’s full appearance. Sam had long wavy hair, light brown eyes with a hint of green, a nice soft jawline and slightly plump lips. He was completely gorgeous.

Ava smiled, “Oh my god, honey did you look in a mirror lately? You look kinda hot.”

“Really? Wait-how are you not freaking out….?” Sam asked.

“Because she blasted you last night, it was bound to happen. You’ll be fine.”

“Okay, Let’s get dressed and see if we can find a new identity.”

Sam stood up from the bed kissing his girlfriend as he looked in the mirror, he realized that he was still taller than Ava’s normal height. Sam was around 5’5 now while Ava originally is 5’3. He smirked at the thought.

After a long shower Sam came back to see a button down shirt and pencil skirt along with flats were laid out for him.

He looked around confused at first then decided to put them on. Sam walked downstairs feeling a bit uncomfortable. He never wore a skirt, so who can blame him? He actually started to like it.

Once he arrived at the kitchen he saw Ava dressed in a button down and jeans, doing something on his computer. Ava looked up smirking and said, “What happened, Samantha?”

“Ha. Ha. Very funny babe. These shoes feel a bit weird.” Sam told her, starting to make a fresh cup of coffee.

“Well it was either those or heels, besides your job requires you to look at least professional.”

“You got a point, remind me to fix your hair before we leave.”

“I just need to run my hand through it, but I need to do your hair.”

“Whatever you say, wait what’s my new identity?”

“You're Sarah Collins, age 25, you're taking Samuel Woods place while he’s on a case in Jersey.”

After breakfast, Ava decided to put Sam’s hair in a low bun with pieces framing her face. Once they were done, Sam looked in the mirror one last time before leaving the house.

The moment at the police station Ava stepped into the captain’s office as Andrew Morris introducing Sam as Sarah Collins. The captain read Sam’s file understanding why she was here and then dismissed both of them.

Sam had made his way to his office putting his bag down and saw Daniel looking at him with a flirty grin. Sam just felt more uncomfortable than ever.

Daniel looked at Sam-Sarah in complete wonder and said, “Well, I’m sorry beautiful but I think you're in the wrong office.”

“Uh Officer, I don’t think I am. I’m actually taking over for Sam.” He told his brother.

“Oh really, my brother didn’t say he was doing work somewhere else..”

“More like, I am him, Daniel. I was blasted with a ray gun last night and I woke up this morning looking like this.”

“Damn! Sammy, now I feel uncomfortable about what I just told you. Sorry.”

“It’s okay man, beside you always said you wanted a little sister. Now you go one.”

“True. Anyways here is some paperwork, I won’t get in the way.”

Daniel left walking past Officer Brooks who just walked in. Sam noticed, recognizing him, the guy usually ignored him at the station. What is he doing here?

“Hello, you need something?” Sam asked.

“No, not at all. I heard about a new coworker and I just wanted to introduce myself, I’m Daniel.” He said.

“Well, I know-I mean, how nice to meet you, I’m Sarah.”

“Pleased to meet you, hope to see you around, oh yeah between us, the last officer was kinda a workaholic and usually late to work.”

Sam was slightly offended by his words but he knew they were true. Sam wanted to say, ‘Well, you try having a pretty girlfriend who just wants to spend your morning with and not go to work! And oh yeah did you forget, I’m dating Ava Steel for god sakes?!’

But instead he said, “Is that so? I didn’t know that.”

“Yup, as much as I would like to stay and chat, I have to get back to work. Maybe we could hang out sometime.”

With that, Officer Brooks left. While that was happening Ava got stopped in the hallway by Noah who gave him a smile.

“Good morning, Andrew.” Noah greeted her.

“Morning Noah, did there any work you have for me?” Ava asked, smiling.

“No, but I have to ask, who is the girl in Officer Woods office? Between you and me, she’s really pretty.”

“Her name is Sarah Collins and she is taking over Woods job for a while.”

“Well, maybe I should go talk to her? Introduce myself.”

“Maybe, maybe later. She’s probably working right now.”

“Hey, I was gonna ask you something last week, but couldn’t.”

“Which is?”

“You said you were dating someone, who?”

“Uh, I’m dating-”

That was when Daniel showed up putting his hand on Ava’s shoulder, almost in a caring way and said, “Av-Andrew, I've been looking everywhere for you.”

Noah noticed and asked, “Your dating Officer Woods?”

Daniel smiled softly saying, “Well, of course she-he is.”

Ava wanted to say something to Noah, she wanted to say that she-he was dating Officer Woods but not that Daniel Woods, Samuel Woods. But knowing that she can’t say anything that will give her away, she just nodded.

A few hours passed, as Ava walked into Sam’s office noting the look on his face. Sam explained he got asked out three times today and was getting tired. Ava just said that it’s the life of a woman. Getting asked out and looks from everyone. Sam understood as they decided to go have dinner afterwards and talk about their day.

Three days after Sam’s first day of work, Sam woke up with a certain pain in his lower stomach. He called Ava over, who was there within a matter of minutes.

She walked-more like ran upstairs to find Sam in pain. It broke her heart. Ava sat at the edge of the bed rubbing circles on her boyfriend back.

“Honey, where does it hurt?” She asked in full concern.

“My stomach-ugh! It hurt, baby.” Sam said, trying not to sound annoying.

Ava realized what it was automatically and said, “Sammy, you got your period.”

“What?! How!?”

“It’s the middle of the month when you turn into a woman. Usually I get my period during this time.”

Ava ran out of the bedroom to get the supplies she will need, then came back in, giving Sam a pad and new underwear. Then Ava ran back to her house to get something real quick.

Once Sam was done, he climbed back into bed drinking the medication and eating crackers Ava placed on his nightstand.

Sam was still in so much pain, he never understood how period pain felt. But now he did, essentially Ava’s period.

The thing is Ava’s period was always bad. Her cramps are horrible, she would become weak, frustrated and look pale at best.

The door to his room opened revealing Ava with a heating pad in her hands. She sat on the edge of the bed placing the heating pad on Sam’s stomach hoping it would smooth out the pain. She smooths out Sam’s hair as she softly hushes him as well running circles on his back.

“Baby, it’s hurt…” Sam said, sounding weak.

“I know honey, it’s going to go away soon enough. Just breath in, hold your breath for a couple of seconds then release. In, then out.” She told him, sounding reassuring.

Sam did as told while Ava reassured him that everything is going to be fine.

“I’m sorry, you have to miss out on work because of me.” Sam said, trying to apologize.

Ava rubbed circles up and down his back and said, “You don’t have to apologize, you needed me and I’m here. There’s no place I’d rather be than here taking care of you.”

“I’ll do the same for you, you know?”

“I know, now rest. Try to sleep.”

Sam gave her a weak smile as his eyes started to close and immediately fell asleep. Ava softly smiled, kissing his forehead leaving the room quietly.

A few days later, once Sam’s shift was over he walked out of the station, taking a few steps down the street until he accidentally bumped someone.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t watch where I was going.” Sam said, apologizing.

“Don’t worry, I don’t have a problem if she’s a pretty girl like you. Are you leaving already?” The voice was familiar, it was Brooks, again.


“The streets can be dark and dangerous this hour, I could walk you home.”

“No need. I’m fine, really, in fact someone’s waiting for me.”

“Oh, yeah? Who?”

Suddenly a certain familiar voice was heard.

“Hey Sarah! Over here!” The voice just happened to Oliver who smiled at Sam.

Sam waved at Brooks goodbye, running over to Oliver asking, “What are you doing here?”

“Ava told everything, by the way you look good.” Oliver told him.

“Thanks, but I don’t know how long I will look like this.”

“Only a week or so, let’s just hope nothing happens.”

“Let’s hope so. Oh yeah, Ava has to tell something-more like a plan she has.”

“It cannot be worse than being a woman for a week.”

Oliver dropped Sam at his house and left. The moment Sam opened the door he heard music playing. Sam followed the music to the kitchen, he found Ava playing the guitar singing ‘Stuck’. Sam’s guitar in fact. Along with a dinner er set on the table. He chuckled playfully and smiled singing along with her.

Once Ava was done singing, Sam asked, “What is this for?”

“Well, I know you haven’t been having the best week and I decided to make you dinner. Just you and me.” Ava explained smiling at him.


“And I always wanted to do something cheesy and romantic but never really got the chance to do it.”

“How did I end up with such an amazing girlfriend like you?”

“I guess it started out when you asked me out..?”

Sam gave her a flirty grin moving closer to her saying, “With all you’ve done for me this week, you deserve to be treated right. And believe me, when we’re back to normal I’m going to treat you in all the right ways.”

“Oh really? I can’t wait to see what you have in store.” Ava gave him a cheeky smirk as they softly kissed.

And that was the second part of A Twist In Gender Roles! Did you like it? What would you do if you were turned into the opposite sex for a week?

Remember to share, comment and like! Anyways see you next time!


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