It was a simple morning for the couple, as they woke up like any other morning. Simple enough for their lifestyle as they got ready for their day.
But what they didn’t know is that today was gonna be different from any other day.
After Sam clocked in for work and did any case that was left for him, he would usually go out on the streets patrolling the city making sure that civilians were safe.
Today he had to patrol the park, simple as that. While standing near his car, he saw a young boy around 11 years old tearing.
He walked up to him rubbing his shoulder saying, “It’s alright, bud. I’m Officer Woods. What’s the problem?”
The kid head shot up staring back at him, “Oh no, I am so sorry...I was in the workshop then I-Chrissy and John showed up then-then-”
The kid wrapped his arms around Sam, bearing his face into Sam’s neck. He very much was reluctant at first then rubbed circles on the kid’s back.
On the other side of town, Ava was working at the store and talking with a client(Matt) who was ordering a necklace for Kate, when suddenly she heard children shouting. Usually it’s normal for people to bring children with them to the store. But these kids weren’t with their parents…
The children ran up towards her shouting “Mommy!” She was confused as they continued. Some workers looked at her surprisingly while Matt chuckled. Ava looked at the children telling them to be quiet and thankfully they did.
Ava knows she had to do something about this so she clocked out of work with the children who were whining about whatever it may be. She drove off to wherever she could go for now.
While that was happening, Sam was trying to understand what the 12 year old was telling him but then he started tearing up and stayed quiet about most of it.
Then the kid out of nowhere told him that he was his son but Sam didn’t believe him for a second and said, “Ha! Yeah right kid, you can’t be my son.”
The kid shook his head, replying, “Yes I am, your last name is Woods and I am your son. The only thing is that I'm from the future.”
“You didn’t even tell me your name, if you are my kid you should know that I need at least a simple answer.”
“My name is Alexander Daniel Woods. Alex for short.”
“...Okay, then who’s your mother?”
“I guess, you’ll know by now...”
That was when Ava walked in followed by the two children, whom she figured out in the car, are twins. The moment the twins saw Sam they shouted “Daddy!” and basically tackled him to the ground, causing a small laugh from Ava and Alex.
Ava noticed the kid who laughed along with her. The young teenager looked at her sliding deeply into his chair as if he was nervous about what she might say.
Ava was confused as she walked towards him asking, “Hey, are you alright?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be in grandpa’s workshop I-I-” He said, starting to stutter.
“I’m sorry to cut you off kid, but who are you and why is Officer Woods interrogating you?”
Sam stood up putting the twins on the couch in his office and said, “Ha! Get a load of this babe. Tell her kid.”
“Would you believe me if you told me I was your son…?” Alex asked her.
Ava’s eyes widen, grabbing her boyfriend's hand leading him outside of the room. Sam looked at her just as confused as she was, then said, “I know, it’s weird. I don’t believe him at all...they can’t be our children.”
“Well no shit...but they do act like they know us…” She replied looking back at their supposed children.
“What are gonna do?...I was thinking that we should interrogate.”
The couple walked back into the room as the twins piped up, smiling at them. It brought a smile to their faces.
Ava walked up to the children asking, “So, if you really are our children, I need names, now.”
The twins smiling then became confused. The little girl looked up at her supposed mother saying, “Mommy, you know our names. I’m Chrissy and he is John.” she pointed at her older brother then continued, “And that’s Alex.”
Sam then asked, “Wait, what year is it?”
Alex gave him a date that was another decade from now. The twins nodded in agreement. Sam and Ava's eyes widened as they tried to understand why the children are acting that way towards them.
Chrissy’s twin brother, John, asked, “Why are you guys surprised?”
“Don’t worry about it sweetheart.” Ava told her young son, picking him up in her arms as Sam picked up the other twin.
Out of nowhere Daniel, Sam’s brother, came in eating a donut with one hand and having paperwork in the other, then noticed the twins looking at him. John, who was in Sam’s arm, squirmed calling out, “Unca Dan! Hi!”
Daniel waved at him, very much confused knowing that he only has one nephew and that’s his best friend, Oliver’s kid.
Daniel put down the paperwork asking, “Why did he call me ‘Unca Dan’ and who are the other children?”
Sam turned to his brother saying, “They’re from the future. So they are your niece and nephews.”
“Cool. It’s like Back to the Future.”
“How are you taking this so lightly?!”
“I don’t know.”
With that, Daniel left.
Alex spoke up feeling upset as ever asking, “What are we going to do now?”
“Well we can’t take you to our house, so the most logical place is your grandparent's place...besides I still don’t fully believe you’re our kids, yet.” Ava decides to tell them.
With that, it was agreed. Sam took the twins who looked more than happy ever while Alex went with Ava.
While driving Ava asked, “Alex, why did you act weird when I met you earlier?”
“Well, you’re my mother. You can sometimes be the sweetest person in the world but when something is off, you turn into all upset and rude.” He told her.
“So, Sam’s the fun parent…?”
“Actually, you are the fun one, occasionally. You let us stay up late, play and sing with you, and you give us junk food.”
“Really? So I guess, I turned into my father.”
“ know, it’s weird. It’s weird seeing you so young and lively.”
“Wait? I don’t look young in the future?”
“No, you and Dad look really young for your guys acted very weird in the station, do you guys even want kids?”
“Well me and your father are still young. I’m 25 and he’s 27. But we do like the idea of having kids of our own.”
“Does that mean we might mess up the timeline with us showing up here?”
“I don’t know.”
Alex glanced out of the window as he took out a pocket watch, and smiled at it. Ava noticed, and smiled. She quickly saw the pocket watch looked like the same one that she has in her bedroom and asked, "Wait a second is that mine?"
"Oh um, yeah it is. You gave this to me when I was 10."
"Yeah? During my one of your business trips for grandma, you gave this to me. You said, time a is special thing, it moves fast but-I don't remember the rest."
"I do. It moves fast but you gotta hold onto it, as long as you can. Because if you don't, it's gonna slip out of your fingers. And then you're gonna ask yourself, 'Where did the time go?'..."
"Yeah, how-how did you know that?"
"Because my aunt Stacy, your grandma, gave it to me that pocket watch when I was 10."
Sam was driving while the twins sat in the back chatting away. It made him smile as he saw their cheeky little grins as they talked about the movie that they were watching last night.
Suddenly Chrissy asked, “Daddy where are your glasses?”
“My glasses? I don’t wear glasses sweetie.” Sam said, looking at the rear view mirror.
“Yes you do. You wear them all the time!”
“Wow, is my vision that bad in the future?”
John cuts in, “No, you wear them when you’re reading or working.”
“Oh okay.”
A question popped into Sam’s head about their names. So without any hesitation he asked, “Hey guys, do you know who are your named after?”
“Yeah! We do!” The twins shouted with a proud smile.
“Okay who?”
Chrissy smiled as she replied, “I’m named after Grandma Christina. Mommy said she was pretty.”
“And I’m named after grandpa, Jonathan. You said, that he was a firefighter!” John said, after his sister.
Sam stayed silent for a moment as the realization hit him. They were named after their late parents. He bite his bottom lip, smiling at the twins. He always knew that if him and Ava had kids, they would be named after their parents within a heartbeat.
“That’s amazing. Your guys are right, you know? I seen the pictures of your grandma, she was really pretty. And your grandpa, was an great fireman, one of the best in the city.”
"Really?!" John asked.
"Oh yeah, he used to take me and your uncle to work on the weekends. We even road in his truck."
"Cool! You and uncle Dan sometimes lets just ride in your cop car!"
"What about grandma? Mommy said she was a great dancer, just like me." Chrissy question.
"Oh, she was the best! I seen the videos, your grandma danced like she owns the dance floor and I bet, you're just as great."
"Thank you."
The very much supposed parents arrived at the tower with Sam carrying John and Ava carrying Chrissy. The moment they walked into the living room, Jenny, the tower A.I., announced their presence along with the kids' unscanned faces. Since they’re from the future, Jenny couldn’t recognize the names or faces.
Stacy and Tony were in the living room about to hug Ava, when they saw the little girl in her arms. In confusion Tony asked, “Who's the parents of these offspring?”
In response the one of the twins, Chrissy, recognized the faces of their grandmother and made grabbing hands towards them. Stacy didn’t hesitate to pick up the adorable little girl. Her eyes widened at the strong resemblance the girl had to Sam and Ava. She turned to face Tony who had a non verbal conversation with her.
Then Tony finally blurted it out shouting, “You’re Sam and Ava’s children?! two had children and didn’t tell me anything?! SHAME ON YOU!”
The couple along with Stacy burst into laughter at Tony’s words. The couple explained that those children are probably from the future but they don’t fully believe it, yet. Even though, it was possible by the conversation they had in the car.
Tony decided to take matters into his own hands, deciding to take DNA tests from all of them.
While that was happening Stacy stayed outside with the couple asking, “How do you not believe that they might be your kids from the future?”
“Cause it just might be some sick joke or something. It sounds too real to be true.” Ava replied, laying her head on Sam’s shoulder.
“Besides, if it is true, I don't know how to explain that future us, didn't know noticed they were missing by now. If they really are our kids, I would be searching the whole city looking for them...I don't even know what to say at this point.” Sam added.
Stacy explains how the kids had a strong physical resemblance to them. Chrissy, having Ava’s natural curly hair and Sam’s green with a hint of brown eyes. While John, having Sam’s wavy hair and Ava’s beautiful brown eyes. And surprisingly, they have Daniel’s cheeky smile.
As for Alex, he has Sam’s beauty mark, a mix of their hair types, Ava’s eyes with Sam’s nice smile. As well a mix of their personality traits.
The twins ran out of Tony’s workshop asking-more like demanding-to be picked up and the couple happily obliged. If they had to be honest, they liked it, a lot. Sam adored the way his daughter was keeping her head on his shoulder while playing with his hair. Ava adored the way her son played with her earrings and fingers. It was pretty cute actually.
John looked at Stacy confused, wondering where her slight gray hair was and asked, “Where’s your gray hair?”
Stacy chuckled softly replying, “I’m still young, buddy.”
He smiled at him, wanting Stacy to carry him as they heard Tony shout, “YOU DID WHAT?!”
Ava handed John over to Stacy running over to the workshop asking, “What happened?”
“Oh, he is definitely your son! He went into my workshop without my permission!” Tony exclaimed.
“I said, I was sorry. I didn’t know, I was bored... I know I should have asked you.” Alex apologized
“He got himself and his siblings trapped here. It will take me three weeks to create that machine that you used.”
Ava piped up turning to her father saying, “Don’t you think you’re being a bit harsh on him, Dad? He’s a kid.”
“Your kid. Future you should have kept an eye on him.” Tony replied back, starting looking for a notepad.
Alex countered his grandpa’s statement replying, “Well grandpa, we were actually at your place for the week. Mom and Dad are on a little vacation…”
Tony rubbed the back on his neck muttering, “Well shit…”
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