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WandaVision Episode 5 Recap/Review (Spoilers)

Writer's picture: Lorraine C.Lorraine C.

Welcome back! It’s time for episode 5 of WandaVision! Oh my god, this one was great and grabbed my attention! We start off with Wanda and Vision trying to deal with their twin babies, Billy and Tommy, but it doesn’t work!

Wanda even tries to calm them down with magic but she can’t control the babies. Just then Anges walks in ready to help but she is about to help out with the babies, Vision stops in which sets her off.

Breaking the role she is in, Anges question what is supposed to do next causing Vision to be very confused and concern but Wanda acts like nothing happend!

Just then, the two of them don’t hear the babies crying and they turn around to see the twins aged up to cute 5 year old. Both of them are holding their favorite twin. Wanda is holding Tommy and Vision is holding Billy!

We then cut to the theme song, which of cause is a mix of Family Ties and Full House! Which I loved Elizabeth Olsen’s older sisters played Michelle on Full House! Ahh I love it! Not long after the boys find this adorable dog that they want to keep, but Vision and Wanda tell them they need to be 10 years old to have a dog. So in result, they smirk at each other as they age up to age 10.

Of cousre, right on cue Agnes shows up with a dog house and Vision get annoyed and heads over to work. The twins question their parents and why their dads at work, Wanda answers that her and Vision aren’t on the same page right now.

Meanwhile we cut to SWORD right after Monica finish getting examined, we head to the main room where they have footage of Wanda stealing Vision’s body!

The director of SWORD calls Wanda a threat but Monica doesn’t fully believe it, saying that Wanda deep down is hurt and grieving, and this is only way she wants to handle her emotions.

We then cut to Vision at work setting up computers and I found it funny since Vision kinda like a computer himself!

Soon enough, they get a e-mail that talks about the town of WestView and it concerns Vision as he touch Norm’s head and sees what’s going with him. Norm snaps out of his trance saying that he is hurt and Vision had to stop her! By her, he means Wanda of course!

Later on, while playing their new dog, Sparky and the twins still questioning their mother’s actions they heard a outside.

And of course, it’s a SWORD drone that entered Wanda’s bubble causing her to turn seriously angry! It wasn’t pretty as cut to Wanda storming out of the bubble, drone in hand and throw it back at them! She is clearly willing to fight for her dream reality! And oh my god, Wanda had this very Magneto vibe as she doesn’t even break a sweat, she knows how powerful she is! I love it!

Wanda and Monica face each other while using her mind manipulation to turn the army against director Hayward ready to shoot him! I loved that, it was so Magneto! She really is her father’s daughter! Ahh I loved it!

But she didn’t have them pull the trigger while she leaves. Before Wanda can go back in Monica asks what can they give her to stop and she replied that she has everything she could ever want!

Once that’s over, we jump back into sitcom world as Wanda and her twins go searching for Sparky! We soon find Agnes holding the dead dog! Tommy exclaimed that his mom can bring Sparky back from the dead and Wanda explains that she can’t, hoping they age up and run away from their trauma.

Wanda takes the chances to make it into a life lesson saying that their are rules that can’t be broken like reverse death.

The children then remind her that family is forever and Vision appears finding out the news, pulling the boys into a hug.

As time goes on, Vision comes back into the kitchen after burying the dog and he is not in a good mood. No one is. Vision then breaks as he faces Wanda, telling her that he knows Wanda is controlling everyone but Wanda tries to end the argument with the credits!

Of course Vision doesn’t buy into it as arguing continues with Vision now in his normal form! He yells at his wife and she yells back, Wanda then in shock lowers her voice surprise since Vision never talk to her like this before.

Vision replied that he doesn’t remember what happened before WestView only the current events of the show as questions her about creating this whole town. Wanda really starts to break stating that she doesn’t really know how all of this happened and that she isn’t controlling anything or anyone.

Maybe Wanda is right, she isn’t fully aware or controlling everyone?

Suddenly the doorbell rings and Vision on convinced that she did it to end the argument between us and she replies that she didn’t do it they just happened. But the look on her face drops as she thinks that vision doesn’t believe her, now Vision is not trusting his own wife! Slowly tearing them apart!

She opens the door and they both question the new visitor, but the camera soon cuts to showing white hair and it’s Pietro! Darcy then come on the screen saying, “She recasted Pietro.” And we cut back to Evan Peters Pietro! Ahhh I screamed so loud at the moment! X-Men Pietro!

I loved this episode! The acting was amazing and I honestly can't wait for the next episode! what did you think of WandaVision episode 5?

Remember to like, comment and share! Anyways ciao for now!


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