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My Review on Supernatural 15x20! (Spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet!)

Writer's picture: Lorraine C.Lorraine C.

Wow! It’s an end of an era for CW’s Supernatural! I never thought one of my first posts about ‘Supernatural’ would be about the final, but I feel like it’s should be rightfully so. So let’s get started!

For starters I want to point out that over last couple of days I have seen that the ‘Supernatural 15x20’ has gotten mixed reactions and reviews. Which is understandable of course, however I would like to say, I’m on the side that is satisfied with the ending. In my opinion, I actually liked the final since it has the sense of closers to a book. On top of that, I'm trying to stay as postive as possible.

The episode decided to stick to its roots of the show. The brothers.Sam and Dean. Deciding to make it Sam and Dean centric instead of focusing more on other stuff. Which I really liked, going back to the main course of the show.

During the episode, we see how the boys lifestyle after everything that happened to them beforehand. Since they are finally free from Chuck, the Winchester brothers are now able to write their own story! I may I just say, I adore the fact that they kept the dog, Miracle!

However as the episode goes on, they have to go on a hunting trip and saved these two little kids, and as the their usual routine goes, they fight the monsterof the week! Vampires, in this case!

Sadly the trip goes sideways, resulting in the monster pushing Dean into a wall with a certain huge nail. Deeply puncturing into his back, as he realizes that he won’t be able to come out of this hunt alive. Shocking Sam and viewers everywhere, as they watch him die in Sam’s arms.

During that scene they recite a moment in the pilot episode, such as, “I can’t do this alone” “Yes you can.” “Yeah, well, I don’t want to.” Along with a lot more incredible moments between the brothers while the scene was playing out. And I admit, I teared up during that scene.

Later on, in the episode Sam was going through the stages of grief, knowing that he won’t be able to bring Dean back this time. You can also see how very sad Miracle was too! Honestly it was sad for everyones!

In result, after a quick change in plans that day, he decides it won’t make sense to continue the hunter life without his brother by his side. Causing him to shut down the bunker and start to have the life he always wanted. For him to have a job and family of his own.

I’ll like to take second to step for a moment and get more into the idea of the concept of Sam and Dean iending in this episode.

As we saw in the episode that Dean was killed during the hunting trip. Yes of course, I was in shock with him dying and such, who wasn’t?! But sadly it made sense that Dean will go out that way because we were told over and over again since day one, that Dean will go out swinging!

He always said he would give his life to the cause and he did! But seeing his actually happen without him coming back to life like he always does, left me in completely shock!

But, I’m happy that he’s in heaven enjoying himself and taking a ride down the road in baby, like he always does, knowing his brother will join him soon.

Since deep down, Dean knows that his heaven will be truly perfect with his brother by his side. And since time in heaven moves a lot differently than time on earth, Dean knows he doesn’t have to wait that long.

As for Sammy, I’m overjoyed that he got the live his life and become a husband and father! He raised Dean jr. as i liked to call him (So cute btw!). And in my mind, he married Eileen and they lived together with their little family.

Since day one, Sam wasn’t a big fan of hunting and wanted a normal life for himself, but of course didn’t get that and got to the hunting life instead with his brother.

Living a life with his brother, saving people, hunting things that’s the family business! However in the end, he got his happiness and got to have family of his own and hopefully become a lawyer too.

Now back to the episode! As time goes on, we find Dean in heaven with talking to Bobby and then he in Dean Winchester fashion, he decides to go for a ride in baby. As he turns on the car, "Carry On Wayward Son" comes on the radio! Then it cuts to the next scene, showing Sam as he gets lives his life with his little family. He seems to have stooped hunting after a while, but that stop him from keeping the Impala in his garage!

Anyways, as time goes on, we see how his son got the anti-possession tattoo, probably because Sam went on a few hunts while raising his son—It’s might mostly be because Sam wants to keep him safe...and maybe Dean jr. likes to go on hunts too when his father isn’t looking or something? (Who knows? Just spitballing ideas over here)

As the last shot comes to a close, Sam takes his last final breath as he soon appears on the same bridge Dean took a stop on.

Without even having to turn around,he knows that his brother is behind him. In result Dean turns around pulling his brother into a tight hug, not wanting to let go. Knowing both of them are now reunited in heaven, perfectly in sync once again.

Finally together again after being apart for a long, as if a weight was being llifed off of them. Causing me to have happy tears in my eyes as I softly sang along to ‘Carry On My Wayward Son’.

Like Dean says, “Cause when it all came down to it, it was always you...and me. It’s always been you and me.” I would also like to point out, that they are both wearing what looks like the same clothes, they wore during the pilot episode.

Even though I was very much satisfied with the nice ending we got! I have to address the elephant in the room, and that is Eileen, Jack and Castiel! Honestly I can’t sit here, and say I wasn't a bit upset that I didn't get to see their face, because I am. I would have loved to a appearance for either one of them! But since I knew from the very beginning that this episode was mostly focused on the brothers, I quickly accepted the fact that they weren’t there. And honestly I didn’t mind it that much.

Overall, I really enjoyed the episode and satisfied with the ending! I’m glad that I was able to go on this journey of these two brothers and the family that they created along the way! Thank you to the Supernatural cast and crew for the story you were able to put into the world for people to see! You guys did an amazing job and I applaud you for everything you have done!

As I said beforehand, these are my thoughts and opinions on the final and I would love to see what are you guys through about the episode! Anyways ciao for now!


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